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Mastering the Conjugate Method: In-Depth Video Tutorials and Common Fixes

Writer's picture: Josh HezzaJosh Hezza

Mastering the Conjugate Method: In-Depth Video Tutorials and Common Fixes

Video Tutorials: Practical Demonstrations of the Conjugate Method

Practical demonstrations are invaluable for understanding and mastering the conjugate method. Videos provide a visual reference to emphasise technical nuances, highlight common errors, and showcase corrective techniques. Below is an in-depth exploration of common issues, technical cues, and advanced techniques, complemented by curated video tutorials to help lifters refine their performance. A lot of these videos have come from EliteFTS, Westside Barbell and Matt Wenning etc.

Common Issues

Fixing Bar Path Deviations in the Squat and Bench Press

Issue: Bar path deviations often stem from weaknesses, poor motor control, or incorrect technique. In the squat, a forward-shifting bar increases strain on the lower back, while in the bench press, an improper bar path reduces pressing efficiency.


  • Video Tutorial: Squat Bar Path Correction

    • Highlights: Demonstrates the ideal vertical bar path and corrective drills such as tempo squats, pause squats, goblet squats, and Anderson squats. Provides tips on how to identify bar drift early during the lift.

    • Example Video: So You Think You Can Squat Part 1

  • Video Tutorial: Bench Press Bar Path

    • Highlights: Explains maintaining the J-shaped bar path, emphasising proper setup, scapular retraction, and leg drive. Includes tips on wrist positioning and grip adjustments to minimise bar path deviations.

    • Example Video: So You Think You Can Bench Part 1

Key Takeaways:

  • Use video recordings or visual cues like mirrors to monitor your bar path.

  • Incorporate paused or tempo lifts to develop control through sticking points.

  • Address weak links: strengthen the lats for bench press and the core for squats.

  • Practice with lighter loads to reinforce correct movement patterns.

Addressing Lockout Weaknesses in Deadlifts

Issue: Lockout weaknesses in the deadlift often result from insufficient glute and hamstring strength or technical deficiencies during the final phase of the lift.


  • Video Tutorial: Rack Pulls for Lockout Strength

    • Highlights: Demonstrates proper rack pull setup, bar height selection, and how to engage the glutes at the lockout. Discusses common mistakes like over-reliance on rack pulls and how to balance their use.

    • Example Video: So You Think You Can Deadlift Part 2

  • Video Tutorial: Glute Activation for Lockout

    • Highlights: Includes exercises such as hip thrusts, banded glute bridges, glute ham raises, and reverse hypers to improve lockout power. Explains how to sequence these exercises for optimal results.

    • Example Video: Glute Training with Bands

Key Takeaways:

  • Set the bar at or slightly below the sticking point for rack pulls.

  • Focus on controlled, deliberate lockouts rather than bouncing the bar.

  • Complement rack pulls with accessory movements like Romanian deadlifts, good mornings, single-leg RDLs, and deficit deadlifts.

  • Integrate mobility work to ensure proper hip and hamstring engagement.

Technical Cues

Proper Box Squat Form

Purpose: Box squats are foundational in the conjugate method, enhancing posterior chain strength, squat depth, and explosiveness.

Video Tutorials:

  • Video Tutorial: Box Squat Technique

  • Video Tutorial: Common Box Squat Mistakes

    • Highlights: Demonstrates errors like "plopping" onto the box, losing tension, and improper bracing. Provides drills to maintain tension throughout the lift.

    • Example Video: So You Think You Can Squat Part 3

Key Takeaways:

  • Select a box height that allows for parallel or slightly below-parallel depth.

  • Maintain tension throughout the descent and ascent.

  • Use a slight pause on the box to eliminate rebound and build starting strength.

  • Incorporate variations such as wide-stance or cambered bar box squats to target specific weaknesses.

Using Accommodating Resistance (Bands and Chains) Effectively

Purpose: Bands and chains modify the resistance curve, increasing difficulty at the lockout while reducing strain at the starting phase, thereby improving force production through the entire range of motion.

Video Tutorials:

  • Video Tutorial: Band Setup for Squats and Bench Press

    • Highlights: Demonstrates proper band anchoring, tension adjustments, and safety tips. Includes advice on choosing band strength and integrating bands into dynamic and max effort lifts.

    • Example Video: Accommodating Resistance: Bands

  • Video Tutorial: Chains for Variable Resistance

    • Highlights: Explains how to set up chains for squats and presses, including weight distribution, barbell balance, and transitioning through sticking points.

    • Example Video: Accommodating Resistance: Chains

Key Takeaways:

  • Ensure bands and chains are evenly distributed to avoid imbalances.

  • Use accommodating resistance at 20-25% of total load for dynamic effort days.

  • Gradually introduce bands and chains to avoid technique breakdown.

  • Rotate accommodating resistance setups regularly to keep stimuli varied and effective.

Bracing and Breathing Techniques During Max Effort Lifts

Purpose: Effective bracing and breathing create a stable core, protecting the spine and maximising force transfer during heavy lifts.

Video Tutorials:

  • Video Tutorial: Bracing for Heavy Lifts

    • Highlights: Explains intra-abdominal pressure creation using the Valsalva manoeuvre and how to engage the diaphragm. Includes common pitfalls and corrective strategies.

    • Example Video: Understanding Bracing

  • Video Tutorial: Breathing Patterns for Max Effort Lifts

    • Highlights: Demonstrates breathing sequences for squats, bench presses, and deadlifts, emphasising timing and efficiency. Discusses how to synchronise breathing with the eccentric and concentric phases.

    • Example Video: Breathing for Strength

Key Takeaways:

  • Take a deep breath into your diaphragm (not chest) before each rep.

  • Maintain abdominal pressure throughout the lift, exhaling only after passing the sticking point.

  • Practice bracing with lighter loads to develop consistency.

  • Incorporate drills like plank variations to improve core stability and breathing mechanics.

Advanced Fixes for Common Problems

Breaking Through Plateaus

Issue: Progress stagnation in lifts is a common challenge for lifters following the conjugate method.


  • Video Tutorial: Conjugate Accessory Work for Weak Points

    • Highlights: Identifies weak points and targeted accessory work to overcome them, such as triceps extensions for bench press lockouts and belt squats for quad development.

    • Example Video: Westside Accessories Explained

  • Video Tutorial: Rotating Variations for Progress

    • Highlights: Shows how to rotate max effort variations to avoid adaptation and promote progress. Includes tips on planning variations across multiple training cycles.

    • Example Video: Max Effort Variations

Key Takeaways:

  • Use variation strategically to address weak points without overtraining.

  • Incorporate recovery tools like sled dragging and GPP (General Physical Preparedness) work to sustain progress.

  • Track progress meticulously to identify trends and areas for improvement.

Integrating Videos for Practical Learning

To truly master the conjugate method, combining theory with practice is essential. By studying these video tutorials, lifters can:

  • Visualise proper execution of key lifts and techniques.

  • Identify and correct their own form errors.

  • Implement advanced tools like accommodating resistance with confidence.

Each linked video provides actionable insights and cues that complement the detailed explanations in this guide. To take your training to the next level:

  • Record your lifts to identify and address errors.

  • Share your videos on social media with the hashtag #ConjugateFixes for feedback from the community.

  • Follow @jh__eliteperformance on Instagram and @teamjoshhezza on TikTok for more training tips, video demonstrations, and exclusive content.

  • Subscribe to our newsletter for updates, exclusive content, and weekly video tutorials.

 Ready to refine your technique and dominate your lifts? Dive into the curated video library and start implementing these fixes today. Bookmark this guide, share it with your training partners, and let's keep building strength together!

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